“Just Look at Him” – A Debate Guide

Copyright CNN

Generally, I try not to pay too much attention to the accidental Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. But last night he was making the rounds of the cable news network with a simple message. (Okay, not the Biden hyped on Mountain Dew wackiness.) When asked about the Biden age issue, he had a one sentence response, “Just look at him.” Damn. The Republicans are messaging masters. Johnson didn’t have to go into specifics. Everyone knows what he meant.

lt’s amusing that the pundits are spending days blathering on about what issues will be the most important for the debate. Biden is weak on immigration and inflation. Trump is, well, Trump. His weaknesses seem to be his strength. Felon? Whatever… Misogynist… So? Fascist? Nah. Biden spends 5 days on a hilltop at Camp David preparing and Trump can’t be bothered. No, this debate is not about issues. This ain’t Lincoln v. Douglas.

Like millions of other Americans, I will spend 90 minutes trying to avoid the fetal position every time Biden speaks. Every stumble, every vacant eye stare, every mouth hanging open will be parsed endlessly and sliced into video clips to run in eternal loops on social media. Biden supporters, tell me you won’t be on the edge of your seat praying he doesn’t screw the pooch.

As for Trump, well, aren’t we also praying he shows up with his most crazy, gasping, glitching rally persona? That’s the whole ballgame. Trump must be so repugnant that Biden’s obvious flaws are okay enough. For the partisans, the election is already baked in. The entire campaign is for about 4% of the electorate in 3 states: Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. Forget about Nevada, Georgia, Arizona and North Carolina. They are goners. 2020 putting them on the board was a Covid anomaly. And, the traditional swing states of Florida and Ohio? Ruby red now.

When, for fun, (I’m odd. I know.) I dive into social media threads about Biden’s his supporters never say he isn’t showing his age. They say, but Trump. That’s it. But Trump. I get it. I am beyond convinced, given the Heritage Foundation’s 2025 Project (If you don’t know what this is, you should.) and the fact that this time Trump will surround himself with budding fascists, if he wins, America as we have known it is done. Fini. Kaput. That is why I think that Johnson’s simple message is so devastating.

Look at him. Really watch him in public. Pull up almost any video of Biden walking out to the helicopter and tell me that stiff old man inspires confidence. We are in precarious times. Humans see age as weakness. Our culture banishes and punishes the old. “OK Boomer” For some insane reason, Democrats have given us a walking advertisement for frailty when we are craving strength and confidence.

When I geek out on surveys, the underlying numbers, the issue details, are simply bizarre. Of course, Americans are bathing in isolated Internet bubble news but areas Biden should be up are down. To paraphrase James Carville, It’s the Age Stupid. It doesn’t matter what great things Biden has done. People simply don’t think he can keep it up for 4 more years. (70% by one survey) On the most lizard brain level, that old man can’t keep us safe.

Need an example? Here’s the headline from a Washington Post survey released THIS MORNING. “Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters” I will save you pain. Don’t dig into the underlying details. It will have you reaching for the breakfast vodka.

Thursday’s debate is an eye test. If Biden passes it, we get to keep our democracy. If not, Trump is the next president. CNN put the podiums 8 feet apart. Why? Because they can get both candidates in a one shot. No jumping back and forth with camera angles. Everyone will see them almost side by side. America is comparing two old men. The winner will be the one who looks like they can handle the job for the next 4 years. Like Johnson said, “Just look at him.”

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1 Response to “Just Look at Him” – A Debate Guide

  1. Michael Hodge says:

    In addition Biden should consider replacing Harris.


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